Genesis 1
The Details:
1.In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth
2.Earth without form and void, darkness over the deep. Spirit of God moves upon the waters
3.Let there be light God divides the light from the darkness on the first day. It is pronounced good.
4.God creates a firmament called heaven and divides the waters on the second day
5.God gathers dry land, creates the Earth and the Sea, creates grass, the herb bearing seed, and plant life on the third day. They are good.
6.God makes two great lights – the sun to rule the day, the moon to rule over the night, also the stars on the fourth day. They are good
7.God create the fish of the sea and the fowls of the air. He instructs them to multiply and replenish the earth on the fifth day.
8.God creates cattle, creeping things, beasts of the field, every living creature
9.God creates man in His own image, gives him dominion over fishes, fowl, cattle, over all the earth and every thing that creepeth upon the earth. Created in the image of his Only Begotten. Male and female. Blesses them to multiply and inherit the earth. Give them dominion over every living thing.
10.It is all very good. The evening and the morning are the sixth day.
11.God rests on the seventh day. He blesses the seventh day and sanctifies it. Places Adam in the garden of Eden.
The Verse
In the beginning God created both the heaven and the earth
And it existed without form so very long before our birth
And there was darkness o'er the deep and so God's Spirit then did move
Upon the waters all around for His magnificence to prove
The light and dark did split, “Let there be light” the Lord did say
And it was good that this did happen on the first creation day
The Lord created firmament, called it heaven on day two
And then divided up the waters as he set his mind to do
Then the dry land he did gather and created earth and sea
And He planted grass and plant life and the herb for bearing seed
It was all just as He planned it and it must be understood
That the work that he was doing he called very, very good
On the fourth day he did make great lights to rule the day and night
It was something He could do with all His power and His might
He did put them in the heavens o'er a world that would be ours
And the light that then was given came from sun and moon and stars
In the sea He then put fishes, in the air He put the fowl
And then cattle, beasts, and creeping things upon the land did prowl
He commanded them to multiply, replenishing the earth
On the fifth day population growth increased the planet's worth
And then the Lord in wisdom and intelligence did bring
A creation with dominion over every living thing
To be set in His own image and the image of His son
Man and woman, male and female, when day 6 had just begun
They too were told to multiply, the earth they should replenish
And the work of the creation now was very nearly finished
And now all of life proceeded for to learn just what they should
And the Lord pronounced the work He'd done was very, very good
Then the seventh day He rested, He'd completed all His labors
And He hallowed and He sanctified the day for all His neighbors
So the sabbath day was set to be a day when all could rest
Celebrating God's creation of the earth that He had blessed.
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