My six year old daughter Janae announced to me about 7:30 this morning that she had a talk to give in Primary this morning. Well, church started at 9:00, so I got busy and wrote a poem for her about Joshua. It's not a full story like the others I have written, but perhaps it's a starting point for something in the future. If comes from a scripture I read in Deuteronomy chapter 31, verse 6. Here it is:
6 Be strong and of a good
a, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the
bLord thy God, he
it is that doth go with thee; he will not
c thee, nor
d thee.
The Lord told Joshua to be strong
And have good courage 'gainst the wrong
He said, "Fear not, don't be afraid
For I'll be there; come to your aid"
So when you feel like you'll be scared
Remember that the Lord does care
He will not fail us, nor forsake
He can all our worries take
He can calm us with his love
And help us think 'bout Him above
I'll follow Him in all I do
And have good courage through and through
(Now see the new story on the menu to the right --- it's a lot longer!)